What the American government with the threat to ban Chinese companies from the stock exchange, if you are complying with the accounting standards? One could interpret this as a measure for the protection of the shareholders. However, the most important donor to the Chinese companies on the stock exchanges, are professional investors.

you are professionally obliged to know, what do you do when you spend money. And sometimes do. You have not called in in addition according to to help in the exploration of Chinese balance sheets. You rely on your own instinct and on the attestation of the auditor. The possible policy aim of the cut off company of American capital, is not achieved with the advance also.

The paths to reach the capital, his goal, like to be devoured, but they are real and existing. Various alternative stock exchanges, as well as the Private Equity investment market. Of course, Beijing could also provide a simple insight into accounting. But sanctions, the little and the American financial damage, not cause more.