First came Vorpommern, the news from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. A few days after the schools had re-opened were closed in the first again. Or individual classes were asked to stay at home. By then it was clear: the new school year is a Corona of the year. And the General uncertainty as to how it goes, also applies to the classroom.

For working parents is stressful. But also many who could organize the family life, if necessary, continue so that the children learn in a temporary home, remember: The students are missing, what makes school. Namely, social contact, structure and substance. The Chairman of the Federal elternrats does not speak for all parents when he complained that the countries had “purified their curricula”.

Who calls for the students because of the pandemic, only the most necessary to teach, has not understood the mission of education. Politicians and schools should, on the contrary, everything to Catch up. After the holidays, the Learning must be at the heart. School is primarily a place where Knowledge and skills are taught. It is here that children and young people, Writing and Arithmetic, languages and grammar, Interpret, and Argue, Analysis and also learn everything that so-called is part of the fabric of the side compartments.