The United States informed Nato allies about plans for the withdrawal of further troops from Afghanistan. A representative of the American government have informed that “the US will perform until the end of November 2020 a troop reduction in Afghanistan to just under 5000 soldiers”, informed the Ministry of defence and the Foreign office on Tuesday the competent Spokesmen in the Bundestag. Last approximately 8600 American soldiers were still in the country.

The war in Afghanistan is the longest in the history of the United States. Since 2001, American soldiers are in the country. After the September 11 attacks. September, American-led troops there and invaded it.

release of Taliban decided

The official announcement circles, according to information from Nato in connection with the recent progress in the Washington-initiated peace process. In Afghanistan, had been approved on Sunday a great Council of the controversial release of imprisoned Taliban and the most important hurdle for the beginning of the intra-Afghan peace talks out of the way cleared.

Previously had signed up to the United States at the end of February with the militant Islamist Taliban an agreement providing for a withdrawal of international troops. In return, the Taliban insured to terminate their relations with other terrorist organizations.

the commitment of the Bundeswehr in the Nato Training mission “Resolute Support” to the further reduction of the American troop presence for the time being, have any impact. “The critical capabilities of the United States, the so-called ‘Enabler’, are still available,” it says in the information that is present the German press Agency. From the point of view of the German government, the Bundeswehr could lead to their Engagement in the North of the country, without substantial restrictions. It is necessary to discuss all the steps for the future of “Resolute Support” in a joint decision-making process in Nato.

Trump is pushing ahead with deduction

The Nato Training mission for Afghan security forces, almost 12,000 soldiers were involved – among them 5200 from the United States. He had been reduced after the signing of the agreement of the United States with the Taliban in February, to show good will. America had also more than 3000 soldiers outside the Nato Mission in use. They support, among other things, direct the Anti-Terror fight in the country. In front of the stationed signing of the agreement were in Afghanistan between 12,000 and 13,000 American soldiers.