The state against the organized money Laundry for the military. On Tuesday, investigators of the Federal criminal police office (BKA) have periods in the order of the Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt, the business of an import / export company in the state of Brandenburg and the apartment of an accused person is searched. The Prosecutor accuse him of the money laundering network “Troika Laundromat”, against which the Federal authority is determined to be longer, non-operating payments to private persons in Russia have settled.

Marcus Young

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the structure is Named after the former Russian investment Bank Troika Dialog. On accounts in banks in the Baltic States, should maintain a broad network of Offshore companies and so the flows of money have directed. These structures have been used by the Suspects to transfer EUR 7 million to companies abroad. According to the BKA has a Laundromat since the beginning of 2019 access to data from the “Troika”. According to earlier estimates of up to 190 million euros is to be paid to the accounts of German banks.

The Baltic States is also at the heart of the largest money laundering scandal in Europe: the branch of Danske Bank in Tallinn to have been executed between the years 2007 and 2015 of suspicious transactions in the volume of up to 200 billion euros. The Swedbank from Sweden, is in the sights of the investigators. You should have settled on the Baltic States, in particular Estonia, between 2014 and March 2019 suspicious transactions of almost 37 billion euros. Another focal point for money laundering in Malta, where the murder has placed on a critical journalist, the leadership of the island nation under pressure.

Plan of Brussels

The European Union (EU) to respond to the many money laundering scandals of recent years and the strong powers of national authorities to restrict. Up to the year 2023 is a comprehensive System for anti-money laundering office specifically for this purpose the competent authority is to be established, such as in the spring the Commission has proposed.

In another complex, the criminal Prosecutor from Frankfurt to determine jointly with the BKA against German customer of a Bank with headquarters in Puerto Rico. The accused is accused of tax evasion. With the assistance of the Bank to the Offshore companies established with the objective to avoid capital gains tax due. Here, too, Westphalia, according to the prosecution authority on Tuesday conducted raids at various financial institutions in Germany and in the apartments of the six accused Bank customers in Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia.