The EU and the governments of various EU member States have reacted to the electoral fraud and the subsequent violence against the protesters in Belarus so, how could it expect from them: with the sharp criticism, the demand for an honest counting of votes and release of the arrested. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has brought the re-introduction of the in February of 2016, partially annulled the EU sanctions against the Regime into the game, Poland calls for a special summit.

Reinhard Veser

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the President of Belarus Alexandr Lukashenka makes no impression. For his chances of retaining power, support from Moscow is important that Belarus is economically dependent and his Regime for many years, is subsidized. The EU has on the further course of events in Belarus no impact. Nevertheless, it is important that you leave it in the Comments Monday, but the words, in fact, decisions can follow.

Belarus distance to Putin

Of importance is the first of its credibility. If in the middle of Europe Standards of democracy and human rights are so blatantly violated in Belarus, must not ignore the EU as a community of democracies, it easy to the agenda. This is not only a moral question. It promotes practical impact on your relation to countries such as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, or the States in the Western Balkans, of which you demands in their own interest, the rule of law and democratic reforms and with some money. In these countries, democratic forces to struggle with corrupt oligarchic structures, which are interested in access to European markets and European money, but both like to, without limitation, its Power would have.

Also on the Reputation of the EU and the Western democracies, overall, the Russian Opposition for their reaction to the events in Belarus influence. Russian Democrats to follow the action in Minsk is very accurate, and debate intensely on the question of whether the scenario could be a blueprint for developments in Russia before and after the presidential election of 2024. Although little evidence at the Moment to the fact that Vladimir Makes Putin’s Russia is seriously in danger – but at some point you will come to an end. Should be involved then in Moscow-liberal forces in Power, it would increase the chances for a new start between Russia and the rest of Europe, if the EU shows its clear now that its policy is oriented towards the neighbor values.

The events of Sunday have ended all illusions about the possible changes in Lukaschenkas Regime. This was foreseeable, because it is a repetition. After the Georgian-Russian war in August 2008, opposed Lukashenka Moscow’s pressure, Georgia’s breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent States, and tried in a seesaw policy between East and West. Although the EU has decided four years previously, due to the traceless disappearance of four opponents Lukaschenkas sanctions, she responds friendly to Lukaschenkas advances and invited Belarus in 2009, even at the founding summit of their “Eastern partnership”. Then of December 2010 came with the presidential elections in Belarus, the usual Ritual: Manipulation, protests, violent crackdown, persecution of opposition, new sanctions.