For 15 years, Yawhen Theo dorovich lives in Berlin. On Wednesday, the business wants to make teachers from Belarus, but on the way back to his home city of Minsk, to family and friends to assist in these turbulent times. “I always wanted to go to Minsk. But then Corona came,“ says the forty-year-old. Theo dorovich, says he was very “tense”, is not on the trip, although he is unsure whether he has to reverse at the Polish-Belarusian border. “It may be that Lukashenka imposed a state of emergency,” he says over the duration of the ruler after the violent suppression of protests against alleged electoral fraud in severe distress.

Niklas Zimmermann


F. A. Z. Twitter

Even if Theo dorovich make it to Minsk, it is likely that he is cut off from the Internet. That would be a huge loss to the Belarusian emigrants in Germany, because he is the Administrator of the Facebook group “Belarusen in Germany”, which includes 1400 members. There are divided in Belarusian, Russian and sometimes in English information and protest calls. Theo dorovich has called for a rally in Berlin, which took place on Sunday afternoon; he speaks of the 270 participants who came.

Emigrated for a better life

“The people want to do something, but can’t,” says Theo dorovich about the state of mind of the Belarusen in Germany. If Lukashenka put the Internet is lame, be glad to be informed of the operations in the home country.”Most of the information we have from the Telegram” says Theo dorovich via the messenger service.

Belarus is a country of emigration. In the past few years, the Community is in Germany to grow steadily. “Young people see no future, if you are not employed by a state company,” says economist Theo dorovich. His home country documents place one in the visa applications for the European Union. The well-trained workers, including, according to Theo dorovich many IT professionals, as a buy to work in Germany in a job far below their qualifications. For a better life, the 48-year-old Dmitry Rusin from Belarus, emigrated twenty years ago to Germany. He is a trained lawyer who works as a truck driver in a shipping company in lower Saxony.

The “collective farm Director” the way must!

The violence in Belarus, worry Rusin, for he has left behind in his home country, friends and relatives: “I have been following the Situation and am Worried about the people. It is an inaccessible, uneducated Person in Power, which has assumed Power through deception and by all means keeps.“ For Rusin is clear: This government is criminal. Lukashenka has to go. His friends and Relatives tried the trucks to support the driver as well as possible.

The Belarusen in Germany, have spoken at the ballot box with a clear majority in favour of Alexandr Lukashenka will no longer be President. In the Belarusian Embassy in Berlin 786 votes to Challenger Svetlana Tichanowskaja, and only 45 on the incumbent, Alexander Lukashenka. Economist Theo dorovich as well as truck drivers Rusin compare it with a “collective farm Director” who does not understand that the world in 2020 will be different than 1994, when the studied agricultural scientist was the first Time President. Theo dorovich would expressly like to thank the Berlin Embassy, that they have counted the votes “fair”. As Lukashenka previous now under strong political pressure, does not dare he to predict.