Mauritius is an example of a looming environmental disaster. For almost two weeks, the freighter “Wakashio was” stranded on a coral reef, the residents were able to see him from the beach. Then one side of the ship sank and Oil began to spread out in the turquoise water, as Sunil Dowarkasing reminds. “The entire lagoon is full of Oil. The Oil has reached the shore“, he described the Mauritians and former employee of Greenpeace on Friday. “Everywhere a massive pollution.”

head of government Pravind Jugnauth called on Friday evening, the environment-state of emergency and asked for urgent help from abroad. He turned first to France. “We do not have the Expertise and experience to rescue stranded ships, which is why I have asked France for help,” tweeted Jungnauth to the address of the head of state, Emmanuel Macron.

Without cargo on reason

” was 25. July off the East coast of Mauritius in the Indian ocean ran aground. The ship was, according to its Japanese owner without cargo from Singapore to Brazil. How it came exactly to the time of the accident, was initially unclear. On Thursday, the hull, the crack then the Ministry of the environment of the island state said.

Around a quarter of the 4,000 tonnes of Oil had already run out, said Deborah de Chazal, the Executive Director of the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. This was perhaps “one of the worst ecological crises, this small island has experienced state ever,” said Greenpeace.