The passenger figures at Frankfurt airport have a rest in the week-over-week slow. In the past week Germany’s largest airport and was one of 353.438 passengers, and thus 77.5 percent less than in the comparable week a year ago. Compared to the previous week, the number of passengers rose to around 10,000.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

The cargo better from developing, although from a low level. Cargo and mail shipments were 34.490 11 per cent year-on-year in the week before, there were 15.8 percent less than in the previous year. That the cargo aircraft utilisation is still very good, however, due to the fact that virtually the entire cargo capacity of the passenger aircraft, is repealed, and a majority of the passenger fleet due to lack of demand is turned off. More cargo capacity to offer have been some of the planes for cargo transportation provisionally converted.

however, the number of flight movements remained in Frankfurt with a total of 4023 to more than 61.3 percent below that of the prior-year period. The airport operator Fraport as well as the main customer Lufthansa, but in three to four years, with a return of traffic in the proximity of the orders of magnitude before the start of the Corona pandemic. However, expect that they will move initially on a 15 to 20 percent smaller air transport market.