The risk of forest fires is high. The risk index of the German weather service showed on Monday for the Tuesday, several areas with medium to high forest fire danger. This also applies to the Area around the airport. After the fire, a forest piece in Mörfelden-Walldorf, followed by the Explosion of unexploded bombs from the Second world war, 4 more warning level, as well as in Darmstadt, Offenbach and Bad Nauheim. The city of Frankfurt for the city of forest even as a local area of the alert level to 5, and appealed to walkers, no waste residue, such as glass bottles in the forest permit, which could ignite dry plant material. Also rule of absolute prohibition of Smoking.

Catherine Iskandar

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Markus Schug

correspondent Rhein-Main Süd.

F. A. Z.

Till deep in the night, around 350 firefighters, police officers and other responders on Sunday were in use to fight the fire on the 2.5-acre area in the vicinity of the Frankfurt airport. The cloud of smoke and the strong smell was still be heard many miles away. And also the next day Gerau, Friedrich Schmidt, a number of teams in Mörfelden had to, according to the fire inspector of the circle Large-Walldorf are always nests of gluten can delete in the forest, so the flames blazed again. The forces had been called against 16.15 from local residents. In the case of changing winds, and a gusty thunderstorm situation in the evening, you’ve seen a “combination of ground fire and canopy fire,” said Schmidt. Against 23.30 o’clock, it came finally to a strong Detonation in the middle of the forest, with blinding light and a pressure wave, which was still at a distance of more than 150 metres to perceive. In the aftermath there were two other fires (see box).

On designated forest trails withdrawn

experts believe that it was in the ground lying unexploded ordnance from the Second world war, which is why the use of force, in consultation with the ordnance bomb disposal on designated forest trails pulled back. The fighting of the fire, the moving to individual houses and a campsite, referred to Schmidt as a community effort, where several Departments, including Frankfurt, involved. The operation at the airport was not affected, according to flight safety by the fire.

the cause of The fire, there was on Monday still no knowledge; and also not about what exactly is to explode in the forest. The Area is now cordoned off, declared at the request of Thomas Rech, the regierungspräsidium Darmstadt for the work of the explosive ordnance disposal service charge. It is currently dangerous to life, to move on to the charred area. As soon as the last Embers were extinguished, must be discussed with the Hessen-Forst as owner on how to proceed. Even if it was expensive, had to be investigated, the affected Area near the airport, where one day Yes flak positions were, well, probably exactly on Contaminated soil.

rain immediately

fizzles Regardless of heat and dryness concerns for increased risk of forest fires. How exactly it will develop in the next few days, must be determined on a day-to-day, says Andreas Brömser, agro-meteorological Advisor to the German weather service. The risk index to always give only, “how high is the probability of a fire is”. This trend will moisture out of the air, temperature, soil, relative humidity, radiation intensity, wind speed, and possible upcoming rainfall is calculated.

It also Tina Baumann, the head of the Department of city forest in Frankfurt’s parks and recreation Department is oriented. “What we had blows in the past few days, often only locally, on low, was not worth talking about,” she says. “This is immediately dissipated. In order to minimize the risk of forest fires, we would need a longer-lasting blanket of rain. Showers that last two, three hours.“ Baumann says that there is still stroller, the did not keep to the rules. A single shard of glass could be sufficient, but especially a discarded cigarette to ignite in these dry times, a fire. You stand, therefore, in close cooperation with the fire Department.