the second protest of the night While Belarus, as a result of by lived, Svetlana Tichanowskaja, has declared on Monday the winner of the presidential elections in the country to leave the country. She is now in Lithuania and in safety, informed the Minister of foreign Affairs of the neighboring country, Linas Linkevicius, on Tuesday morning on Twitter. After Lithuania Tichanowskaja had previously sent her two children, accompanied by the grandmother; her husband, the Blogger Sergei Tichanowskij, sitting since the end of may in Minsk, under various accusations, which are considered to be politically motivated, in custody.

Friedrich Schmidt

Political correspondent for Russia and the CIS in Moscow.

F. A. Z.

Reinhard Veser

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Linkevicius said on the radio program of his country, Tichanowskaja was on the eve before their departure in Minsk detained for seven hours has been. Her staff had indicated, to have lost the connection to her, after she had appealed in the Central election Commission complaint against the official election result; their spokeswoman said, Tichanowskaja have said, “to have a decision” made, and had disappeared in an unknown direction. Later it was said from the staff, you’ve reached Tichanowskaja that she was well.

“please be careful on”

The Belarusian border Agency confirmed in the Morning that Tichanowskaja in the night to Tuesday, the country had to leave in the direction of Lithuania. Soon after, published Tichanowskaja a short video message, in which they visibly tired and drawn works, as they had been hugely under pressure as you have made the woman who took the Belarusen in the election campaign, as you and many said the other, “the fear”, a terrible fear. You’ve believed that, through the election campaign, so many workers get “that I can’t take everything,” says Tichanowskaja in it. “But I’m probably remained exactly the weak woman I was at the beginning.” The 37-year-old housewife was entered for her on the candidacy detained man in the election campaign and has always said that they would prefer to be there for the family. Obviously, on their departure Tichanowskaja says, the “very difficult decision” had “taken absolutely independently”. “I know many will understand me, many condemn it, many hate it. But, you know, God forbid that you stand in front of such a decision, as I did now. So, people, please be careful. What is happening now, is not worth living. Children are the most Important thing in our lives.“