In Trinidad and Tobago has won the ruling party, the National movement of the people (PNM) of Prime Minister Keith Rowley in the Parliament elections on Monday. The PNM comes, according to the official election results from the night to Tuesday 22 seats in Parliament, the opposition party, the UNC, the former Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on 19. The opposition candidate refused to accept the results and want to leave a part of the vote re-counting.

“This result confirms my Faith in the people of Trinidad and Tobago”, said the head of government to supporters in the capital, Port of Spain. Because of the Corona pandemic Rowley, who ruled for 2015 not invited his followers after the election, as usual, in the party headquarters. In the election campaign, the Corona were pandemic, and the corruption are the dominant themes. In the past two weeks in the country, 67 new Corona cases were registered.

The island state off the coast of Venezuela, about 1.4 million inhabitants. The National movement of the people (PNM) had ruled the country since its independence from Britain in 1964, to date the longest.