Dynamically, the skeleton of which is below, to the right, directly on the edge of the image. The 40 times of 27.5 inches large drawing in black chalk before, Agnolo Bronzino, attributed to, now his nephew and pupil, Alessandro Allori was the absolute winner in the auction of ancient art at Lempertz in Cologne. A number of international telephone bidders fought for the to 3000 to 3500 Euro estimated sheet: With the award at 420,000 euros in French trade. The original Centerless the offer, Giovanni Carianis proud representation of the “Judith with the head of Holofernes” (Taxe 160.000/170.000 Euro) remained as unsold as the portrait of the “Marquise de La Frezelière” by Nicolas de Largillière (100.000/120.000). The life-size boy and a naked Adonis of Fermo Ghisoni went to the lower estimate of 40,000 euros to a Russian collector, who bought also Tommaso di Coins large-scale Tondo of the “Madonna with Christ child and John the boys” for 70,000 euros (80.000/90.000). Philips Wouwermans atmospheric representation of the “travellers resting in a rocky grotto” succeeded with up to 150,000 euros (100.000/140.000), and the small “landscape with stone bridge”, the Rembrandt pupil Govaert Flinck, attributed to, reached its lower estimate of € 120,000 (to 130,000). Pieter Schoubroecks 64 times 83 centimeters measuring copper image, with its unusual iconography, “The salvation of the Jews was beat in front of the intoxicated elephant of king Ptolemy IV Philopator” above the estimate of 75,000 euros (30.000/40.000) was added.

the art of the 19th century.Century women portraits had no luck: Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot’s “Young woman with mandolin” (80.000/100.000) found, as well as Anselm Feuerbach’s “portrait of a young Roman woman with head cloth” (40.000/50.000) and Stanley Cursiters lying young lady from 1912 (50.000/70.000) no takers. For Spitzwegs succeeded painting “Saturday afternoon (the village pastor, morning walk)” at 100,000 euros, well above the expectation of 50,000 to 60,000, and Jacob Philipp Hackerts “landscape with motifs of the English garden in Caserta” is for 85.000 Euro (80.000/100.000) into a German collection. The two auctions played with only 136 – 301 – sold to Lots of 4.1 million Euro, were expected to be 4.2 million.

In June, the “Evening Sale” took place, with 101 positions. The Modern Albert Birkles “train a guard” took care of 1927 for the largest increase: Many bidders fought for the 103 times by 71 inches, large oil Painting, which was estimated at 80,000 to 100,000 euros, The surcharge was only 670,000 euros – the auction record for the artist of the New objectivity. The most prized lot of the Evening, Lyonel Feininger’s “still life on a blue table” of 1911, came to 560.000 Euro (400.000/600.000), and Picasso’s large-scale drawings on handmade paper of 1906, “Deux femmes nues se tenant” remained with 260000 Euro significantly behind the expectation of 400000 to 500000. A Swiss collector was able to get Juan Gris’ cubist Arrangement “Raisins, carafe et livre” from 1922, for 340,000 Euro (300.000/350.000); Jawlensky’s “dahlias” (140.000/160.000) from the same year remained unsold. August Macke’s “flower box with cactus” from 1912, has significantly surpassed its Obertaxe with 320,000 Euro (220.000/250,000) and his beautiful Gouache of a “Oriental our lovers”, also of 1912, for 95,000 euros (80.000/100.000) in a German Museum.

The sinister-looking “children between the birch trunks” painted by Paula Modersohn-Becker in 1904, shortly after her marriage to Otto Modersohn. The oil Painting, which was once owned by modersohn-Becker’s mother, and later as a private loan to the state gallery in Stuttgart, made with 270,000 euros, a multiple of its estimate of 40,000 to 60,000, and gets in a German collection. Ewald Matarés graceful market-fresh, 21-inch-high Bronze of a “Prancing horse” of 1943 and surpassed with a score of 86.000 euros (35.000/45.000) your expectation, and Gert Heinrich Wollheim oil Painting “The circus rider” in 1923, and rose to 68,000 euros (25.000/30.000), an auction record for him.