After the partial nationalization of the Lufthansa, the German government is looking to participate in a number of other companies. “14 companies have already shown explicitly the need for recapitalisation,” said state Secretary for Economic Affairs, Ulrich Nußbaum to a written question from the Green party politician Katharina Dröge, according to a report in the “Handelsblatt”.

In the case of the “vast number of firms” standing the test, therefore, at the beginning, added to walnut. It could, therefore, “at the present time, no reliable statements about the nature of any stabilisation measures”.

That follow on the Lufthansa additional companies had indicated economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) recently in an Interview with F. A. Z., in turn, already. On the question of how many companies the government must support in the coming months, similar to the Lufthansa, he replied: “We’re talking probably about a few dozen cases.”

Green: exit strategy needed

The Federal government had launched the end of March, the 600-billion-Euro economic stabilisation Fund (WSF), German shield against the effects of the Corona-crisis, and to receive according to the words of the Minister for economic Affairs, Peter Altmaier (CDU), the “substance of our economy”.

in Principle, the Fund can help in two ways: It can guarantee loans, and he can acquire company shares in order to recapitalise companies. Overall, expressed according to the information of walnut is currently “just under 60 companies” interest in aid by the WSF.