looking at, for what is in the Corona-crisis, all the money was there, surprised. Sometimes the common taxpayer that is allowed in the home office and the Homeschooling public revenues tedious first gained the impression that anyone who considered not expressly “no,” screamed will. Billion programs here, three-digit million sums of money – like there is no Tomorrow. And no next Generation to have to pay somehow, somewhere, sometime back.

That, of all things, the Hesse CDU-fraction of a gigantic debt agreed to by the euphemistic disguise “special assets” has, drives true party champion the tears in the eyes. Make a fist in the pocket and find the Whole similar amazing how the obvious fact that the own channel is not outrageous to today even approach, what is the wrath of the decision triggers in the own ranks and in the ranks of many ordinary voters.

youth hostels are social policy, in the best sense

Who will now be admired so, for months the light in the Hand, with the billions of juggles and distributed, asks why the youth hostels in Hesse, nearly five months after the beginning of the Lockdown, nevertheless, their existence will have to fight. Anyone who keeps up with the Chairman of the Board of the Association among, comes out of a sales slump by 80 percent as well as the simple need to close soon, the first houses.

As a taxpayer, a rough estimate, dozens of crisis grants, would be sacrificed for the benefit of the 33 Hessian houses prefer. Youth anything are not hostels. You can enable up to today, families with little money for a city trip, so social policy in a practical and thus best sense of the word. In your area the accessibility of the ceiling, they are also unique in that it offers accommodation for school trips. And they also make children of rich parents ‘ houses, aware that it may be sufficient to restrict to the Necessary and still have fun doing it.