on This Monday, it is no different than many of the other assemblies since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic in the state of Hesse in March: The health departments to the Robert-Koch-Institute a small number of new confirmed Covid-19-cases reported. 34 there are, on the whole, as in the disease control lead of the Federal Institute on its website reports. In terms of experience but ask: What is this number worth? Have reported all the Offices? Here and there, perhaps Reporting delays?

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Because at the weekend the short-RKI-called Federal Institute recorded a three-digit infections in Hesse, Germany. 134 for Saturday and 101 for Sunday. A similar number of new cases, there had been last in the second half of April, before the infection won happened in the past few weeks, considerable travel, with on Friday registered 158 new cases, as a sad highlight. Especially the city of Offenbach and the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis are in the point of view. The significant increase in new infections, and is particularly associated with travel to returnees in the context. Clearly, the number of the Stan which infections has increased in the past few days.

“controls massively expanded”

“in response, we have decided to make a whole package of measures. An immediate and comprehensive information campaign for travellers and for the immediate and mandatory Testing when returning from high-risk areas belonged to,“ said Offenbach’s Lord mayor, Felix Schwenke. The city has tightened a number of rules, and “economically harmless, but for the safety of important mask duty in the closed rooms of gastronomy” was introduced. Solid, you’ve also stepped up checks on compliance with the mask duty of personnel in the retail and gastronomy as well as of the passengers in the public transport.

The neighbouring city of Frankfurt had exceeded in the past week, with the loosening of the important Seven-day incidence of the value of 35 from time to time and therefore, the requirements as mentioned tightened. The last of the 21 state at the time of this incidence, which refers to the in the past seven days saw new infections among 100,000 inhabitants, to beech. The Infections seems to have relaxed. “The situation remains clearly tense than two weeks ago,” says Schwenke.

Only Waldeck-Frankenberg, white vest

Except Offenbach showed the least of Frankfurt, Kassel and Wiesbaden as well as six counties, a two-digit, Seven-days-incidence. Only Offenbach but to a value beyond 20. This follows from the Corona Bulletin of the Ministry of social Affairs. Accordingly, only the district of Waldeck-Frankenberg is for seven days without a confirmed infection. For comparison: in mid-June, this finding was true for the city of Darmstadt and eleven counties. This, too, speaks for a worsening of the infection events in the past few weeks.

Since March 12.737 infections have been confirmed in the state of Hesse, according to RKI. 11,300 to infections are as and the patients recover; this number has stagnated recently. 525 deaths are officially complain in connection with the pandemic. Around 900 Covid-19-cases apply to the data of the Institute as active. Several weeks ago, it had been at times less than 500.