“What did the Romans ever do for us?” This rhetorical question in the Monty Python Film “life of Brian” the leader of the anti-Roman rebel group, the people’s front of Judea to his fighters. Let him recognize, however, that the foreign rule, he wants to overthrow, is not, perhaps, have been little beneficial to his country and people. Similarly, currently in Lebanon, only that, given the local States of the Satire is taken seriously. Some Lebanese feel such a way at the end of your Latin, that you want to listen to French. Twenty-four years of the mandate, managed by France after the First world war Lebanon. As a result, the country emerged into its present borders. And this Phase appears due to the traumatic presence that Lebanon experienced, are now as the good old time, as a welcome Alternative to what do local politicians in an independent Lebanon.

receivables between irony and Serious

The visit of the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, in the destroyed Beirut, in the it last Thursday, not a few as a Savior had welcomed, was accompanied by an unprecedented social media campaign, which continued after his departure, still. The people’s anger on the Lebanese Elite has reached a Dimension that even the return of the mandate that calls for: “Come on and get the mandate, this independence we want”, wrote the actress Carmen Lebbos before the arrival of the Macron on your Twitter Account about a picture of the French President.

What might be said in your case, sarcastic, therefore, was for deadly Serious: In an Online Petition, which has now been used by nearly 60,000 people signed the request of activists, that Lebanon should, at least for a period of ten years, a French mandate territory. The own Official had proved unable to lead the country. In our debates on the colonization of impact-influenced time which is a spicy Pointe. The claim is transfigured the past – but the French mandate paved the way for some of the today existing problems of the country. And so much Emmanuel Macron in the role of the judicial assistant has fallen, he will be ready to give the gendarme of Beirut.