The SPD wants to nominate the Vice-Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, to be their candidate for Chancellor. “Olaf has the Chancellor-oomph,” wrote the party chief Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-Borjans, on Monday on Twitter. Scholz himself stated that he was looking forward to a “great, fair and successful election campaign in a strong Team”. The Bureau and the Board of Directors had nominated him unanimously. Previously, the Funke media group and the “image”newspaper had reported about it.

The change of personnel has long been suspected – was in the party but at the same time, extremely controversial. “We know that this decision is for some an unexpected turn”, therefore, expressed the party leaders. “We ask you to trust in our path. We decided to go this way together.“

esque and Walter-Borjans, were long regarded as an opponent of Scholz, go through to the last year, at the election of the party Chairman is also against him. Since then, there has been a “narrow shoulder-to-shoulder” and a trustful cooperation of the party leadership, group management, and the social-democratic Ministers, declared the party leaders.

“In this close cooperation we have experienced, Olaf Scholz as a reliable and Team-oriented Partner that can fight for social democratic policy for this country and wants and shares with us the Vision of a just society.”

Scholz is in the population according to surveys, the most popular SPD politician, and was profiled in the Corona-crisis, with spirited Acting and the lace up the billions in aid packages. In the SPD he is, however, controversial, especially in the left wing.

Recently were mainly members of the parliamentary group and the other SPD Ministers for him as a candidate for Chancellor. Faction leader Rolf Mützenich, said after the decision of the Board of: “Olaf Scholz, has proved with his great political experience in the government and the Parliament as well as the country’s head of government that he can lead our country even in difficult times.”

With great concentration and commitment to reform, he set up the right priorities, in order for Germany to stay socially just, and economically strong. “It is therefore our candidate for Chancellor.” The group will assist him with all the force and Conviction. “You can rely on it.” SPD foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted: “We stand behind You, Olaf Scholz.” SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil spoke of a close Team of party, faction, government, and candidate. “We are ready, and I’m really in the mood on the election campaign,” he said.