In the United States, the number of confirmed Coronavirus cases exceeded the mark of five million. The sad record of the Johns Hopkins University reported on Sunday. Nowhere else in the world so many people have been infected with the new Coronavirus attached.

The number of actual cases in America is expected to be, according to many health experts, is about ten times higher. As the reason on the one hand, the restricted test will be called possibilities. On the other hand, the majority of infections are mild runs, therefore, many illnesses are not reported or not even detected.

In the United States, approximately 54,000 people with the Virus are infected per day currently. In the second half of July, the day was over 70,000. Although this has fallen again, but in nearly 20 American States, the number of new infections and in almost all, the death toll is rising. Many Americans refuse to wear mouth and nose protection and to keep distance to social contacts.