A day after America’s President, Donald Trump has declared new customs duties on imports of canadian aluminum, announced in Canada on Friday new duties. “We will escalate and we will not be put back,” said the Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland on Friday. Canada decided “and greatly” in the defence of its aluminum industry act and American products in a volume of about 3.6 billion Canadian dollars (2.3 billion Euro) in customs duties to introduce, said Freeland. “For every added Dollar of the United States on canadian imports, we will charge an appropriate fee.”

In the next thirty days, a list of possible goods to be discussed, it said further. Head of the government, Justin Trudeau will first have a discussion about it. Trumps punitive tariffs were “unnecessary, unjustified and completely unacceptable,” said Freeland. “Canadian aluminum is essential for the US industry, including the U.S. military-industrial.” Already on last Thursday she had criticized trump’s decision. In times of a global pandemic and an economic crisis, a new tariff that increases the cost for producers and consumers to be disabled, the free flow of Trade and the economy in the provinces and States affected, the last thing canadian and American workers needed.

Trump had announced his Executive order on Thursday during a visit to a washing machine factory in Ohio and sued Canada use the United States. He wanted to defend “the American industry”. As early as 2018, there had been in the United States, customs duties in the amount of 25 per cent on steel and aluminum from Canada and Mexico, but this can be been in the following year repealed. Opponents criticised the fact that the customs duties of the products for American companies and consumers in the domestic, more expensive would. Trump said that he did not consent to the repeal of the duties then, under the condition that Canada “flooded our country with exports and all of our Aluminium Jobs kills”. The canadian producers would have broken this promise, but “”. According to the American government, the canadian Aluminium increased exports to the United States by 27 percent. Freeland called trump’s allegations as “absurd”.