In Germany, there is now the first, so to speak, officially certified comparison platform for current accounts. The the company Check 24, the you operates, and the TÜV Saarland, has made the certification, on Friday reported. The certification is done after a substantial lead, the website is now unlocked and on the website of the Check 24.

Christian Siedenbiedel

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

This is an old hanging place game to an end In the course of the implementation of a European Directive on payment accounts, the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) should provide a corresponding comparison page is actually already in October 2018. It was decided, no state comparison page to build, but to develop a certification for private websites.

The now completed website indicates that they do not give a complete overview of the market, all the banks were doing, but at least more than 500. There are various ways on how you can let the banks sort. Is chosen as the criterion account management fees, then the Bank ended up in the diocese of Essen, in front of the Comdirect and the Commerzbank in the first place. It is sorted according to the MRP-interest, is called the Minden Bank (0 percent) prior to the Sydbank (3.5 percent) and of the PSD Bank Karlsruhe-Neustadt (4.6 percent) at the front. In addition, various in addition to conditions regarding, for example, the costs for cash withdrawals.

TÜV responsibility

The possibility of a certification by the TÜV had been introduced as had been feared that the existing private account-comparison sites, distortions can have the end results, if the companies to pursue their own economic interests and, for example, to number banks treat better than those that do not.

Now, the TÜV has, of course, the responsibility that there is anything fishy is going on. Thorsten Greiner, managing Director of TÜV Saarland, said the bold sentence: “The certification of a comparison portal confirms to consumers that they can rely on objective information – the operator must disclose sensitive content, processes, and Algorithms, which we will extensively inspect and monitor.”

Also Check 24 speaks of an “objective and transparent Review”. We are proud to be the first provider to comply with the requirements of, said managing Director Rainer Gerhard. Check 24 want to go in October with a private Bank named “C24 Bank” to the market, which refer, inter alia, on the comparison pages on banking products from other providers and so, as it were, as a “roof Bank” is supposed to work.