The closure of two schools in the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern seems to confirm all the fears which are brought against the “rule of operation”. But it actually shows the opposite of a premature failure. Because, as a rule, the operation means exactly that: the closure and quarantine, if Corona-emergence cases, a quick and comprehensive Tests.Then re-Opening, if it turns out that it is an isolated cases. This is the new normal in Corona times and it will remain as long as there is no vaccine. The case arrived so quickly, speaks not against the rule, the operation of the serious case now, but against all Attempts, it still no longer postpone. Because that would mean the school until further notice, blindly abolish.

It has to be pointed out especially the teachers associations, who left no stone unturned to make against the re-opening of the schools atmosphere. The teachers is without a doubt special protection because they are exposed to particular stresses. Criticism and propaganda against the operation of the school is exceeded, but a limit, if not more noticeable is that the interest organizations of their responsibility to society as a whole to meet. There are a lot of parents, merchants, workers, and employees who do not have the privilege to be able to your health above all else – you are simply in need of work and that of their children to be something. The schools must be opened.

Homeschooling? In fact, the rule could look very different if the Learning at home would be a recipe for success. However, surveys, such as recently by the Ifo Institute revealed the full extent of a single failure. By so many digitalp file does not fix, but rather by more teachers. In all this time, very little contacts to your students. This is also why the teachers associations have not exactly cover himself in glory. Parent Advisory councils have apparently tube is a much better children.