Terrible was what happened in New York, scolded President Donald Trump on Thursday. The attorney General of the state had just filed a lawsuit against the NRA (National Rifle organization). The promise of it with a right-wing conservative lobby organizations, was part of Letitia James‘ election campaign. You won. Since last year she is in office. James continues the offensive actions of their predecessor, Eric Schneiderman, and Barbara Underwood. Already in 2019 was able to leave Trumps family Foundation for corruption resolve. The procedure cost the President two millions of dollars. No wonder, then, that Trump, who likes to NRA events, cheer, reacted thin-skinned.

The New Yorker is confident to have against the gun lobby organization enough in the Hand. The extent of personal enrichment, and fraud in the NRA needs to lead to their resolution, the statement of claim. The leaders of the NRA, and above all, the national Director of the Wayne LaPierre, will, for years, donations and other revenue for personal purposes, diverted. As a result, the organization should be lost over a period of three years, $ 64 million. LaPierre himself is said to have made the NRA a contract, securing him with the retirement of 17 million dollars. The Prosecutor General’s office in Washington, D. C. filed also lawsuit. It relates to the alleged diversion of money from the charitable Foundation of the NRA. The NRA’s power in Washington to lobby against tougher Federal regulations for buying weapons.

the case against the NRA is not a civil law, the attorney General, but not criminal legal action. The legal battle could take years and adds to the lobby group further political damage. The NRA donated through its various sub-organizations in the election campaign of 2016, more than $ 54 million for the Trump campaign and other Republican candidates, has for years been suffering internal infighting and mismanagement.

James determined for a Long time already against the NRA. Sixteen months ago, the General Prosecutor’s office sent the weapons to friends the first subpoenas and enforcement announcements. The former President, Oliver North was charged under the Pre -. He had tried in the past year, to overthrow the national Director of the LaPierre – the power struggle cost him, ultimately, to the office. North enter is among American right-wing conservative, a Celebrity. He was a military adviser to the National security Council under Ronald Reagan and was a key figure in the Iran-Contra affair in the mid-achtizger years. At that time, the Americans gave more revenue from illegal arms sales to Iran to the Contra guerrillas who fought the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. The former NRA President is likely to have affected LaPierre and other leaders now, after the let him fall. So far, it is not clear whether the investigation only to personal enrichment, or whether money were also diverted to political campaigns, as some observers speculate. The rules for party donations had been exacerbated in the past few years.

Trump: “I think the NRA should move to Texas”

New York has good reasons for the fight against the gun lobby. There gun laws than in many other States. The law in this state maintains, however, still explicitly a “well-armed militia” was not to be abolished, the basis of a functioning polity and the fundamental right of the citizens to bear arms, should. To purchase a gun you need a license, possession of so-called assault weapons (“assault weapons”), under which the majority of semi-automatic rifles is prohibited. For the city of New York additional restrictions apply. However, it can get offenders weapons easily in other States. That many weapons are circulating in the city, evidenced by the recent increase in firearms crime in New York.