In the case of the 440 employees of Karstadt there is still a glimmer of hope that the purchase of the house do not need to connect to the Zeil, however. How likely do you think that?

Petra Kirchhoff

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

For Frankfurt, I think that is extremely unlikely.

The group Karstadt-Kaufhof closes with Karstadt Sports and the house were two houses, the Esprit branch is on the hit list, it’s not a Cupper is in bankruptcy. You have to Worry about the Frankfurt Zeil?

It is the Zeil, a shot in the office, when a large area such as the Karstadt will be closed, but Frankfurt is a healthy, remains a stable location. There are still new textile dealers and other concepts coming to Frankfurt. The great vacancy, to expect the part in other cities is not to be expected here.

What do you do with the many thousands of square meters, which are now free?

At the end of the day, it’s going to be a reasonable re-use, and in this case there is no scheme F. There are only a few operators, would play such a large area as a Whole. It will probably come, therefore, to a change of use with less retail and smaller areas. Whether it be offices in the upper floors or a hotel use, you will see.

now Is the time for new product ranges in the city?

furniture and craft needs are certainly an Option, but require a different rent. We observe that especially the discounters and life seal back in Central locations want.

The Stuttgart, Kaufhaus Breuninger was always mentioned as a candidate for Frankfurt traded.

I don’t think Selfridges would employ in the current difficult market situation for such a project. The experience, the Breuninger in Dusseldorf, collected in a comparable competitive situation – not to speak from my point of view, rather in favour of it.

The Zeil is for retailers the most expensive shopping street in Frankfurt. You expect that Rents will fall?

The Rents are under pressure, no question. A small-scale rental goes hand in hand but usually with higher Rents.