in The beginning was the rain. He poured over the city centre of Offenbach. In a few minutes, the main dike was washed, were flooded the surrounding basement, the water was about half a Meter high. The river could not absorb the rain, the duct system, the lids were pushed up from below. As quickly as the rain had come, he went out again. What remained were some 400 flooded buildings and land.

Timo Steppat

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

it was said Earlier that such a heavy rain event occurs every 100 years. As the first serious Flooding in 2015, came, thought, Heike Hollerbach, the head of the environmental Agency, the worst was first passed. Ten months later, the next strong came the rain. And in 2017 a.

In all cases, the economic damages were large, embedded images in a nearby Museum and the College of design have been partially destroyed. The water in 2015 would be increased a few inches higher, it would be gone in the S-Bahn Tunnel that leads to Frankfurt.

The Problem is that heavy rain is difficult to predict. The air is warmer, so it can absorb more moisture. And then it rises to the top, because hot air rises always to the top. The water vapor condenses, energy is released, especially in the summer thunder – Storms-and at one point, extremely large water masses are released.

Many cities are in danger, you can create maps

At the German weather service in Offenbach, and its headquarters, there are forecasting tools to warn the cities as early as possible. Back river basin and water reserves drained open, so that the rain can be absorbed.

The leaders must, however, be very sure, before you do that. The lack of water in the summer months. The partial meters deep, parched soil cannot absorb the water. Many cities can be promoted by the state and Federal government – hazard maps that show where extreme weather events are particularly hard could strike. Cities such as Offenbach know by now that you need to change.