Despite the tax cut this summer, is the Bus and train not to become in most German cities are cheaper. In several regions, according to industry sources, the planned tariff have been moved increases. In some places, there are credits and free rides for regular clients. A tariff reduction on a broad Front is not in sight.

“We can’t change such as the retail of the prices, regardless of whether it is less or more,” said Ingo Wortmann, the President of the Association of German transport companies. For political decisions and regulatory approvals are required. This was time-consuming. Regional you have found different ways to give the tax reduction to the customers.

to customers in Karlsruhe, Chemnitz, and Parts of the black forest in August had to attack it differently than intended but deeper in the pocket. Are exposed to planned price increases in Aachen, and Nuremberg.

Only half as many passengers as before the plague

lowered in the Corona-crisis, to stimulate consumption, the Federal VAT from July for a year and a half. When buying Bus or train tickets, the customers otherwise have to pay seven per cent tax, now there are five. Who’s driving the ICE or Intercity, get the tickets according to cheaper. In transport it is more complicated.

criticism was recently voiced in some Associations, the lower rates or special rates to introduce. The Green party member of Parliament Stefan yellow hair said on RTL and ntv, at least 100 million euros would not be revealed. The impression that you take advantage of the Situation to the detriment of the passengers, rejecting the transport firm, however.

you have been hard hit by the crisis: The nation-wide average, over half as many passengers sit according to VDV-estimate today in buses and trams as before the disease. An end to the downturn is no longer expected this year.


Many companies, the tax took advantage of the reduction to provide for more Corona-safety, it was said –for example, through more trips, more frequent cleaning offers for the disinfection, protection walls for the driver. Also the customers have benefited.“The ticket price is not necessarily the decisive criterion, which is the reason why people decide for or against the use of public TRANSPORT,“ said Wortmann.

Great the Savings would not be anyway. In the case of a 80-Euro monthly card of the tax rebate would be equivalent to two percentage points to just under 1.50 euros for a single ticket for 2.50 less than five cents.