The defendant shakes his head. Again and again he, waving off snorts, turns to his partner. You also accused, sits in the regional court of Frankfurt a row behind him, and also she is obviously indignant about what witnesses in the course of the day, they say. The accusations, especially against the 53-year-old man serious. His two step-daughters accuse him to have you over the years, sexually abused. The public Prosecutor’s office assumes that at the time of the space from 2009 to 2017, when the girls were between nine and 16 years old. The man is alleged to have committed acts ranging from Showing pornographic pictures to sexual intercourse, in which the affected girl should have pulled the blanket over the head, to endure the Situation.

Anna-Sophia Lang

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The young woman, who is now 19 years old, familiar three years ago only a school social worker and then to child welfare staff. These reports before the court in unison, to have not the slightest doubt that the detailed narratives of the completely dissolved girl would have met the truth. They unanimously said, therefore, the Assault had begun with the Onset of puberty. From the initial Fondling of the breast, it have increased, until sexual intercourse has become the rule. The stepfather had always come in front of the exam phases to her and claimed that sex with him would be good for your hormonal balance and would lead to better school performance. In these and other Ways he had manipulated them.

For the defendant is all “brazen

the social work reports consistently inside, how big is the bad Conscience of the girl had been to charge her stepfather. Again and again they have emphasized how much they love him, that he was always there for you and everything for the family to do. The speech is also of a great fear, to destroy the family and to disappoint the mother.

For the accused, that’s all, “boldly invented”. His explanation: It was known that the step-daughter lie, and like dishes, only to have the parents accuse of any crime. This was done in the past more frequently, even to the detriment of both biological parents. He suspected, therefore, that the step-daughter wants him to punish her, because she was upset about him.

mother still lives with the defendant together

The mother is expressed on a Thursday. The Social workers are not sure that she believes in the abuse. Anyway, she lives with the defendant. The consequences were the allegations yet. The stepdaughter was taken shortly after her first appointment at the welfare office and the Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt rose in 2019, charges against the stepfather, was the next stone rolling.

Because He and the mother also a daughter have. In the same year of the indictment, the family court of Bad Homburg deprived them of custody. In the decision, however, is that the then twelve-year-old child with “almost certainly” also victims of abuse, and this could be done in the face of impending puberty at any time. Not want to accept the father like this. Therefore, he admits it in court, he went directly to the court’s decision to the school of the child, and he took them out of the afternoon care and brought her to Relatives in Neckarsulm. Because the mother was there, she is accused in the proceedings also. The police found the whereabouts, but quickly, twelve-year-old was on the same evening taken into care. She lives in a care facility.