the disposable income of Hessen has increased in the past ten years, around 4000 euros to last just under 24,000 euros per year. Alone in the year 2018, the income of private households increased by 3.6 per cent, or 830 euros, said the Statistical office of with. This was a stronger increase than the national average. Figures for the past year or for 2020 are not yet available.

Falk Heunemann

business editor of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The disposable income of wages only takes into account Net, i.e. after deduction of taxes and duties, but also income from state benefits and insurance. The value is calculated per household, and more than 40 per cent of the Hessian households in a single Person lives in every fifth household, there is a family with at least three members.

income rise faster than prices

Not the purchasing power is taken into account in these statistics, for example, by different levels of Rent, or the rate of Inflation. This fraud from 2008 to 2018, a total of around 14 percent. The average value says nothing about whether or not all households have evenly more money available or certain groups of the population received disproportionately more than others. The value, however, shows that incomes have risen on average more than the Inflation rate.

in Addition, the statistics show the enormous extent of the redistribution of funds by the state. On average, 30.750, – Euro gross conceded the Hesse in the year 2018 in the cut. The state initially attracted just under 15,000 euros, paid off but, in turn, more than 8000 euros directly to citizens in the Form of pensions, unemployment benefit or child benefit. The Rest of the state used for its tasks.