The sanctions pressure from America in connection with the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 is always more to take shape. With the port of Sassnitz GmbH for the German Baltic sea island of Rügen, a German infrastructure company asked directly about his alleged support for the project drain. Would otherwise be exposed to members of the management Board, managing Directors, shareholders and employees sanctions, the “Fährhafen Sassnitz GmbH are economically and financially from the United States to cut off”. This includes visa bans and the Freezing of property in the American area of responsibility included.

Niklas wanted professions

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

So it is in a three-page letter, the American senators Ted Cruz (Texas), Tom Cotton (Arkansas), and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin) signed on Wednesday, 5. August dated. He is the F. A., for example. Specifically, the senators of the port company before the throw, “knowingly significant goods, services, and support for the Nord Stream 2 project”. You refer to the ships Fortuna and Akademik Cherskiy to the last digits in the port facilities and Reportedly on behalf of the Russian state company Gazprom, the Pipeline is ready.

“your supply of Fortuna, or the Akademik Cherskiy is definitely engaged in the Moment sanction a quorum if one of the two vessels are immersed pipe for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas Pipeline into the water or a for the project relevant to the pipe-laying activity, but you risk extends to all activities in connection with Goods, services or support to the Pipeline,” the Letter reads further. The authors point to recent announcements and changes to the law by the us President, the foreign Minister and the Senate.

A spokesman for the port company did not comment on the matter. The Nord Stream 2 project company informed almost to the letter and taken note of. A spokeswoman for the German Economics Ministry did not comment on “any Letter” to the senators to a third party. The attitude of the Federal government to extra-territorial sanctions was clear: “We reject this, because we consider it as a violation of international law.”