Tricky cold-start, safer success – Bayer Leverkusen walked, despite only a short preparation, in the quarter-finals of the Europa League against Inter Milan. After only two weeks of Training, the plant was self in a confident manner with 1:0 (0:0) against the Glasgow Rangers. As with the 3:1 in the first leg, five months ago, in the still well-filled and noisy Ibrox stadium, the Team controlled the soon departing Kai Havertz in the silence of the Bay-Arena, the match and were rewarded with goals from Moussa Diaby (51. Minute) for a responsive performance.

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The power of courage for the next Monday’s upcoming duel with the Italians in Düsseldorf, which had the day before in Gelsenkirchen with 2:0 against FC Getafe enforced. The final round of the last eight Teams will be playing after the long Corona-interruption of the competition from next Monday on, in North Rhine-Westphalia out. Is the absence of Bayer, but the powerful Charles Aranguiz, who has to serve a yellow lock.

“It was the appearance of a sovereign. We could have, two goals more. It was important, well come in and play with the rhythm. Mental Freshness is important, the Physical came through the 90 minutes,” said Leverkusen’s Lars Bender and already looked on the duel with Inter: “It’s just a game. This is both the Pre – as well as the disadvantage. We know that it is a difficult opponent.“

Differently than the one already with a 1:0 victory over Aberdeen in the season started, the Scots, the Leverkusen had to deal with the Re-Start in the ways of the Corona-crisis since March interrupted the competition without game practice. In addition, Karim Bellarabi, Kerem Demirbay, Mitchell Weiser, Nadiem Amiri and Paulinho were missing. Nevertheless, the Team of Peter Bosz seemed well prepared and took in humid-warm weather, from the beginning the Director.

But with all the possession of the ball, it lacked first of all, to wit, to bring the defence of the guests is seriously shaken. This should, however, be in the 16. Minute change, as Havertz with a strong shot from 14 yards hit the crossbar. Only six minutes later, the midfielder had the potential of 1:0, again on the foot, but missed after a fine pass from Exequiel Palacios just under the gate. Other ways of Diaby (38.) and Florian Wirtz (43.) also remained unused. In contrast, Bayer Keeper Lukas Hradecky spent against the until then harmless Scots a very quiet first half.