Aragon, the new epicenter of the Corona pandemic in Europe. In the Northern Spanish Region last 567 cases were recorded per 100,000 inhabitants within two weeks. The highlight seems to be not exceeded. 614 new infections were reported in the past 24 hours. In Spain overall, the number of Infected per 100,000 inhabitants according to data of the European centre for the prevention and control of diseases in 81. Within the EU, the value is only in Luxembourg, and Romania is higher.

In the community of Aragón has been a tenfold increase in the number of new infections in the past three weeks. Affected especially the city of Zaragoza. It is of concern that there is increased occurrence of infections in old age homes. At the same time more patients need to be in hospitals to be treated. According to Aragón, the Region of Madrid recorded, according to the Spanish Ministry of health, the majority of new infections. So far, the situation had particularly in Catalonia’t worry.

Almost all regions report significant increases, also the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands. The Canary Islands, is to assure, in the meantime, holidaymakers against the costs, caused by an infection. For this purpose, the flight home, a possible quarantine accommodation and medical expenses. Switzerland took the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands from the new Quarantine requirement, which applies to returnees from the rest of Spain. Belgium has, however, included the Balearic Islands and Madrid in the list of regions for which a mandatory Quarantine for returnees applies.

Controversial campaign to mask of duty in Madrid

A campaign, with the help of the Spanish capital, Madrid, is trying to take your citizens to move to the permanent adherence of the mask duty, and has a considerable excitement triggered. The equally controversial as impressive Video, “Protégete, protégenos!” (Bless you, protect us!) at the end of a cremation and warns the mask objectors: “cremation oven: 980 degrees. There are things that cause more heat than a protective mask“.

The was “very bad taste” and “irreverent”, complained users of social networks. Some media described the campaign as “hard” and “brutal” – but the participants of TV talk shows responded, the awareness of the people and in view of the increase in new infections and the irresponsible lax position of many people is necessary.

In Madrid to keep almost all of the in the Free of the obligation to Wear mouth – and nose protection. But in pubs and Restaurants, and at evening Meetings of larger groups in the public and private space is becoming an increasingly more careless behavior is seen mainly in Younger to.

Many complaints, at temperatures that exceed in Madrid in the summer, almost every day, 35 degrees, had to Wear a mask Outdoors torture – especially when you can adhere to the legally prescribed minimum distance of one and a half meters. The answer in the Video: “Your apartment in the summer: 32 degrees. Beers with friends: 30 degrees. Disco: 28 Degrees. Hospital: 25 Degrees. Intensive Care Unit: 22 Degrees. Cremation Furnace: 980 Degrees.“