a Deux” is the name of this Film in the Original French – just “Two”. But the life of the Couple, however, outwardly separated, in two opposite Apartments in the upper floor of a high-rise residential building. Two women, beyond those years, you are talking about as the best beautiful. The one that Madeleine, a French national, moved in with her husband and after his death stayed. The other, Nina, a German, came here, because Madeleine was already there. Met you in Rome, more than twenty years ago, and now you want to go there again, far away from France, in a shared apartment, to finally your love live. The Apartments are to be sold, but that means that Madeleine’s long since grown up children will know, as it stood at the end of the marriage of the parents. Do you still believe that the Loyalty ties to her dead husband Madeleine to the apartment.

Andreas platthaus

editor responsible for the literature and literary life.

F. A. Z.

A normal cinema family drama? Not at all, although in the “two of us”, as the Film in Germany is, first of all, everything is happening, as you would expect. Madeleine is not a coward, your children to come clean, but he’s scared to disappoint Nina. Then a complication, which should make it unavoidably comes to lay the cards on the table: Madeleine suffers a stroke and is deprived of the care case, the language and their freedom of movement. Desperate Nina seeks comfort her, but the children involved with the mother a full-time supervisor. As Nina has to sneak into the neighboring apartment, which you used previously as your own, this could also form the basis for a Comedy. Or a tragedy.

aesthetic cross-Over

The young Italian Filippo Meneghetti in his debut as a Director, however, something very different – a psychological Thriller for the heart. And for the brain, because already the first scene calls for: Two girls playing in a tree-lined Parkway Hide. Suddenly, the disappeared, and the other one is doubting his senses, as well as the spectators, because it is not happen may be what you’re looking at. Later, will turn out of this event as a dream of Fear of Nina, but the eeriness of the beginning characterizes henceforth, the whole drama of “We both”. As Meneghetti in a movie, would it play easy to win with a melancholic feeling of nature is a Mature female audience – currently the most lucrative audience segment in the Arthouse-cinemas – for themselves, instead, with the conventions of a genre that is generally considered to be less attractive to women, of the horror film, this is a sovereignty that would be more of a champion of cinema suspect. Earlier, Antonioni has worked with such aesthetic Cross-Overs. “Blow-Up” and “Zabriskie Point” are chimeric.