More than a year after the defeat of Germany’s largest drug-online shops has begun in casting of the process against a number of alleged behind men. The seven defendants are said to have operated as an international gang and in different roles, the Shop called “Chemical Revolution” on the Internet as well as in the anonymous Darknet. For kilos of drugs from the Netherlands should be taken to Germany have been. The drug was then stored according to the indictment, at various locations nationwide, Packed and sent to customers in their.

at the beginning of the process on the Wednesday before the regional court of Gießen, the majority of defendant’s statements was announced. Because of the Corona-distance rules, the court met in a private room, but in the large conference hall of the Central Hessian city.

The charge of 320 of the acts committed between September 2017 and February 2019. The allegation is, in particular, on “band even illegal Trade with narcotics in not a small amount”. The total eleven-person group is supposed to have acted, among other things, with around 130 kilos of amphetamine, 42 kilos of Cannabis as well as Ecstasy, cocaine and Heroin. The defendants should have taken with the Shop about a Million euros in the Form of the crypto-currency Bitcoin – the customer paid for the goods. Crime scenes were, therefore, among other things, in Hesse, lower Saxony and Hamburg.

No Alternative to drug trade

The men in the age from 28 to 45 years of acquisitions of the indictment, according to different functions, and were about as couriers to operate. As the suspected Initiator and boss 28 is-Year-old from the district of Munich, who lived on Mallorca. He was arrested in may 2019 at the time of his entry to Germany, and then the Shop shut down. The investigators spoke of Germany’s largest drug-online-shop – it is similar to legal Internet shops even lot of discount, and customer comments on the quality.

just wanted to make While the main accused for the time being no statement, admitted a 30-Year-old on Wednesday to be there for the delivery of the anesthetic was responsible. He had been raised on the Internet, if he wanted to participate in a drug store. At that time he had no Alternative and agreed to, told the man with a view to lost Jobs and ongoing criminal proceedings, among other things, due to scams. “Then the orders went out, and I’ve done my job.” Drugs to take, pack, and ship and – “that was my daily routine”.