The case of the third grader, had to write a criminal work, because they spoke on the Playground Turkish, has a sequel. The family defend against the sanction by the teacher, said the Heidelberg lawyer Yalcin Tekinoglu the Evangelical press service (epd). He put on Wednesday at the baden-württemberg Ministry of culture, a disciplinary complaint against the teacher. This had prompted the nine-year-old to write the criminal’s work on the topic of “Why we speak in the school English”. The family wants to achieve that the already-written criminal work lifted, the family will be returned and not included in the performance evaluation of the third-grader is incorporated, said Tekinoglu. In addition, questions as to whether a “German forced” on the Playground is illegal.

Because the teacher of a primary school in baden-württemberg, Blumberg had rejected a conversation with the parents, first of all, have contacted the family to him. The teacher had given in the telephone conversation with the mother, the sanctioning of the use of the Turkish mother language with their “pedagogic-educational freedoms.” You have also made reference to school rules, to speak what on the Playground in German is. Such a scheme is, however, neither the student nor the parents are aware of, said the lawyer.

government Bureau to check the behavior of the teacher

Now, the government is examining the Bureau as to whether a law is contrary to the behavior of the teacher is present. The authority takes the view that the rule is “We all speak the German language” part of the class rules and, together with the students have been placed. In the case of an infringement of an essay on the topic of “Why write, we talk in the school of English”, whether it was on request. The government Bureau in spite of the statement that a conversation with the parents was rejected. Rather, on the part of the school were assumed to be several to Talk to. After a discussion, the criminal work was been exposed to also. The school Board rejected “unequivocally the criticism, the case was attitudes an example of a discriminatory”.

In the half-page criminal work, which the third-grader made without the Knowledge of their parents, it says: “you want that we speak English. The schools are English. When we speak Turkish, don’t understand the children us. We are not allowed to speak the native language.“ In an E-Mail to the teacher, the mother writes that her daughter understand why she could not be Turkish, although it was a part of it.

More than 100 languages on German school yards

To view Tekinoglus a German duty outside of the classroom is illegal. He refers to an opinion of the baden-württemberg Ministry of culture to the AfD request “English as a compulsory language in schools (“Playground language”)” in January 2017. It says that human dignity and the General right to privacy for pupils and students to comprehend the right to speak outside the classroom in a language other than English. The decision to voluntarily – without agreement – to an understanding of the non-German language of origin to abandon, is free to the students at any time.