According to the chief of the Japanese organising Committee for the Olympic games in Tokyo take place in the coming summer, “with Corona”. The Toshiro Muto said, according to a report by the Financial Times. “I don’t know how the state of the Corona infections will be in the coming summer, but the chances that it is a thing of the past, are not very high,” said Muto accordingly. “Rather, it is important to host the Olympic games for people living with Covid-19.” In the English language, the Name of the Coronavirus-induced lung disease Covid-19 is often used as a term for the pandemic itself.

Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, had the International Olympic Committee and host Japan moved to the end of March, after a long delay this year’s scheduled games. You should now have 23 of. July to 8. August 2021 to be held.

just a few days ago Muto had said in an Interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”: “Covid-19 is not a threat that can be quickly extinguished or pass.” If the games in Tokyo “can be realized under these conditions in the coming year, then you can be a model for other global events and sporting events. That would really be a legacy of Tokyo 2020.“