With a time ban of Sky lights and other requirements against light pollution to protect the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze insects. A draft of the SPD-politician for an insect protection law also provides for a prohibition for light traps for insects, as well as a duty-a distance of ten meters between larger bodies of water and areas where weed poison is used. If the waters edge is permanently covered in greenery, was to reach five feet. The design, the Changes in the nature conservation act and the water act to summarize, the German press Agency and of the “New osnabrück newspaper”.

Schulze sets so that the parts of the programme of action for insect protection, decided upon by the Federal government last September. Accordingly, certain to meadows, traditional orchards, stone walls and exposed walls in the future as habitats of particularly protected. In conservation areas and national parks, certain insect poisons and wood preservatives should be off-limits.

the sky searchlight, the so-called Skybeamer, are often used such as from Nightclubs and miles of can lights. You any harm particularly of the bird world, as it says in the bill. The ban would apply to the main bird Migration periods in spring and autumn, namely, from 1. February up to 30. May and of 15. July to 15. December, from sunset to sunrise.

In conservation areas should lanterns in undeveloped areas, only exceptionally, new road, path lighting and illuminated advertising panels may be placed. In Germany, this kind of new light sources, as well as the exterior lighting of buildings will affect the future of animals and plants as little as possible, with Details to be regulated via a regulation. This is to submit the Ministry of the environment no later than the end of 2022.

Greenpeace agricultural expert Martin Hofstetter said, so that Schulze have done “their homework” and took the Minister of agriculture, Julia Klöckner to the visor: The CDU politician had to implement the programme of action of the insect agreed guidelines, which should reduce the use of pesticides, including glyphosate.