The little Person was between the half a dozen journalists this evening of the 8. To see the February, 1976, in the disco of the Olympic village of Innsbruck, hardly. But all the journalists hung on the bare lips of Rosi, as she was called only. The responses of the 25-year-old, 1.60 meters large ski racer were almost as inconsequential as countless again and again asked questions, but her cheerful, unaffected style, had also previously fascinating as her journey to winning the Olympic downhill run for a few hours. Later there was dancing. “Nice that you brought me on for a couple of minutes out of it,” she said happily to her dancers. “The whole hustle and bustle, I do not like that at all.”

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Three days later, the hustle and bustle, it was still huge: second gold medal, this time in the Slalom. And two more Olympic days later a silver medal in the giant slalom was added. The enthusiasm was great. “Rosi, Rosi” was the battle cry of the German Olympic visitors in Innsbruck, even if “Rosi” was not present, and it went to completely different sports. The world of the Olympics was seen by the “Rosi-red” glasses. It’s an Alpine winter fairy tale of the seventies. Tens of millions of people were proud of the “Rosi” as you or your down-to-earth family.

For the postman who had to deliver in 1150 meters of altitude cards, letters, telegrams, parcels and packages to the mountain Inn to your parents on the Winklmoos-Alm, even if they were sent without an address simply to “Rosi”, fell on arduous times. Around forty thousand shipments should have been. In addition, the winklmoos-Alm, where Rosi with your also ski race successful sisters Heidi and Evi was raised in drew, a lot of Fans. It seemed as if a whole Nation had been waiting for such a Bergfee.

modesty, restraint, Serenity

“The five days from Innsbruck in 1976, my life changed, but not my personality”. Rosi Mittermaier-Neureuther, what’s her name for forty years emphasized, again and again. And it is confirmed as often. From the first Olympic victory in that 8. February 1976 up to your 70. Birthday this Wednesday. She was, she is a model of modesty, restraint, Serenity, naturalness, earthiness, empathy, helpfulness, courtesy, cheerfulness, charm, passing ability and natural talent, not only on skis. To an extent probably unique in the world of Sports.

And nothing changed when she took only a few months after her Olympic trilogy, a Two-million-offer for the international sports Agency McCormack and thus from the time warily watched Amateur sport had to retire. Even after that, they remained – despite all the advertising, PR, movies, books, Interviews – the popular “Gold-Rosi”. Someone like you, it seems, can’t do anything wrong.

success story of a Bavarian Vorzeigepaars

The continued also in your private life. Their marriage forty years ago with her childhood friend, Christian Neureuther, also world-class in the Slalom, but in the Olympics without any Fortune, was the success story of a Bavarian Vorzeigepaars, which remained with his common appearances on TV shows, joint PR-actions, joint books, in conversation, and never a Whit of sympathy for the values lost.