“Sooner” is the name of a new streaming service that wants to reflect the diversity of the European film in digital. At the end of July, the Portal is launched, it focused on movies and TV shows as well as short films and documentaries from the art – house and Independent scene; many of them awarded at various Festivals, such as Cannes, Berlinale or Sundance Film Festival. A further focus is on music, dance and theatre.

“We want to provide you with our offer, the interested users an Alternative to the established streaming services”, says Andreas wild, Executive Director of Content Scope of the German-French operator of the “Sooner”. There are “a lot of Talent in Europe and so many series that are up here now,” he says.

The man wants to bring with the new offer now to Germany, Austria and Switzerland, France and the Benelux countries to follow soon. A competitor to Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Disney+ Sooner “” Stream beyond writes to the flags, which should stand for diversity, exclusive and European offers and special quality of selected movies and TV shows. “You can see already, that there was something missing, particularly in relation to European productions”, notes Tomboy, with a view to the market leader in Video-on-Demand area.

The diversity of Europe and its film culture scenes in a streaming portal to unite, the have Potential, they’re hoping for “Sooner”. “Diversity is a benefit,” says Andreas wild catch. That’s why, among other things, on the productions from the LGBTQ+Community, and partnerships with film schools such as the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg, the German Film – and television Academy Berlin as well as with the International Leipzig Festival for documentary and animated film Dok Leipzig and the Interfilm short film festival.

“We believe that our subscribers are curious and open-minded. This allows us, in the selection of our offer to accept a higher risk, and those high-profile content to include, which are usually under.“ To Start Sooner on waiting “” for example, with the drama series “The Bank”, which revolves around the lives of two investment bankers in the Estonia of the 1990s – after the fall of the Iron curtain, and in the midst of a financial boom, the world of the protagonists on the head. See also the American Drama “The Mountain”: Jeff Goldblum plays the doctor, Dr. Wallace Fiennes, the leads in the fifties lobotomy experiments, because he believes he can mental illness heal. Its Premiere the Film premiered at the 75. Biennale and delivery in 2019 at the Sundance Film Festival. About the quality of the drama starring Goldblum kids: “I was born to play a lobotomized by most.”