In the fraud scandal of the Dax-listed company Wirecard is planned to be a two-day special session of the Finance Committee in the Bundestag. 31. August and 1. September to representatives of the Chancellery of the departments of economy and news services, the financial Supervisory authority, Bafin, the Federal Ministry of justice, the Bavarian state government, the German stock exchange, the Hessian Ministry of Economics, the Central asked for a financial transaction investigations and the Bundesbank, such as the F. A. Z. learned on Tuesday from the Committee.

last week, it’s been a special session in which, among other things, the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, and the economy Minister, Peter Altmaier, says, they had. Now, the German stock market and the Bavarian state government should be questioned.

“the long list of the guests and the topics shows why we need a Committee of inquiry,” said the FDP Chairman of the Finance Committee, Florian Toncar.”The Wirecard scandal knows a lot of actors, and the need for education is high.” In the core gehees to the question of whether Wirecard as a rogue flagship, under a preferential treatment has get.