the aim of for sure Sebastian Baier stands out centrally in the neck of approximately 80 inches long, nine and a half kilos of fish and cuts him on the back along the Bone sent. The tension the on his Arm tattooed with the laughing mermaid keck tremble: “As you can see the groove that the six weeks is matured. The skin is nice and firm and the meat, too,“ smiles the fish refiner satisfied. The fish meat of the five-to seven-year-old wild salmon shines pink and orange.

Such big fish are usually rather rare, but not in the case of Baier. He has a soft spot for big fish. “Corona has also hit at the fish auctions, the houses are pretty empty,” he says. The big fish, which he processed by Dry-Aging to radically new ideas, there are just. The auction houses in France and Holland are closed. Nevertheless, he has to do quite well, with the “fresh post”, his service delivery to private households, which, although Popelkram, he says, but by Corona, he made it at least ten times the revenue. For this purpose, the exchange with smaller, trendy Restaurants, and the daily business. The shooting star of the Hamburger fish restaurant scene is enjoying increasing confidence among fish-food lovers.

a Passionate fishmonger in the third Generation

most of the time he is seven o’clock in his shop and decorated its current range in the Display. Silvery, with dark grey dots on the skin of the cooked fish shimmers behind the sun-drenched glass counter. In addition to some neatly decorated and homemade fish salads, a few pieces of “stremel” salmon, scallops, smoked char and salmon, some self-created Goodies are there, of course. For example, Pastrami; you referred to is actually seasoned and smoked meat – Baier makes them out of fish.

The Best fish gutting and the customers, they pick it up for later. It is always a bit of a Show. He wants to increase the enjoyment and create an awareness for the value of the beautiful and very rare animals.

The nearly two-Meter-wide North-German is a passionate fishmonger in the third Generation and in his art at the same time, one of a kind. Had started the family in the sixties with a delivery service of roll-Boobs and Bratheringen to kiosks. Soon after, they opened in Geesthacht, a private fish store that went up in the seventies as sliced bread. As the first super stores opened, broke in the income rapidly, and you had to come up with something New. It week, markets were, for the quick shopping out of the house.