could be The “diaries” that you would have to lead now, “an interesting read”, kids Tanja Ariane Baumgartner. Because, after all, would not need to be registered only the temperature of the body or, where appropriate, symptoms of the disease, but also the name you had those, with those longer than 15 minutes at a distance of less than one and a half metres contact.

Guido Holze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

The Frankfurt Opera singer, the play of Saturday at the Salzburg festival as Klytämnestra in “Elektra” by Richard Strauss, directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski on the stage, can take place, the concept of security, which, founded in 1920 festival in the jubilee year, in spite of the Corona-pandemic, with a shortened and modified program, but excellent. For them, it was not unusual, before and restrict during an appearance in series the contacts to a Minimum and to ensure that all hygiene standards. Because as a singer she had to try anyway, to avoid any flu-like infection.

With Johannes Martin Kränzle, the long-term Ensemble members who is engaged as a further Opera star from Frankfurt in Salzburg, the met, the mezzo-soprano at least once to eat, “careful out there”. This was allowed, because the singer in the Salzburg traffic light system for “group of Red”, which is tested frequently, so that you can act on stage without a spacing from each other to interact. The “group Orange” were about the ofdresses and makeup artist that would have to wear at work is always a Mouth guard.

It will clean also all the time and vented. Many other schemes relatively normal to be, even if condensed samples has become possible, says Baumgartner. The Vienna Philharmonic orchestra, which will be particularly tested a lot, can play in the approximately 100-minute one-act Opera “Elektra” in a large ensemble, with nearly 120 musicians. In addition, up to 1000 visitors can be let in Salzburg in the 2200 seats bidder Large Festspielhaus. In the Felsenreitschule, the audience is no longer sitting in such a large intervals, as is currently the case in most of the halls in Germany.

Cut and without a break

Kränzle, the security concept is also very good and hopes that the “Experiment” failed and the Whole thing could serve as a model for other countries. Finally, the whole music world now look to the Festival, and many performances of live or time shifted Radio, or television. Kränzle is also a new production, with the role, the piece and the Director are familiar with: even before the twelve years he stood as Don Alfonso in Mozart’s “Così fan tutte” under Christof Loys Director of the Frankfurt Opera on the stage, in the extremely reductive, all the people concentrated cult-staging.

of Course, Loy have developed his view further, but the basic approach and some of it was similar, reveals to the Frankfurt audience favorites scoring, meanwhile, as a freelancer working baritone. It will now be played, however, an abridged version without the Pause with a duration of only a little more than two hours. The musical direction is in the hands of Joana Mallwitz, which was already several times in the Frankfurt Opera, and here, shortly before the Lockdown, with “Salome” by Strauss in Barrie Kosky’s unusual staging a big success celebrated.

Kränzle and Baumgartner are aware that you are the “Privileged” that can now participate again in Opera productions, as they say. Many other and just freelance Opera singers, be it bad been taken. You know a colleague, now in the supermarket work part, says Baumgartner. Many even considered whether you should change careers from scratch. Baumgartner, itself, is broken away by the pandemic is a major series of Performances in Chicago: they rehearsed there, just in a new production of “twilight of the gods”, to which the entire tetralogy “der Ring des Nibelungen” by Richard Wagner performances to follow, as the message came that events with more than 1000 visitors would be cancelled. Many of our colleagues have lost the work, you should feed until the end of the year. Also, artistically, it was so disappointing that tears had flowed.