From the little black Jukebox blaring beat of the loud Techno and mixes with the Popmelodie out of the Box three meters. Around the fountain about a hundred young people hold their glasses high and toast to. The Old Opera house is bathed in a warm light and illuminates the space. Friday night in Frankfurt, could have the atmosphere of a warm summer evening on a beach promenade in the South of France, were it not for the many police officers. To all the Ends of the Opera square, you are equipped with thick protective vests to the chest and chunky helmets in Hand. From time to time they patrol in small groups about the place, to keep people for checks.

There are three is ten days, that on this place Partying with a bottle, according to police thrown, several of them have hurt. A “hail” from the bottle shots, so it is described by the Frankfurt police President Gerhard Bereswill. 39 people have now been detained, against them is determined. Since then, the course applies to the Opera a curfew: From a watch is allowed to stop on the weekend, no one there. About 3000 people were in the riot the night before two weeks. This Friday, according to police, around 100. In the entire urban area of around 7000, celebrated in public squares and on the Main. “We are very satisfied,” says police spokeswoman Chantal Emch in the night to Saturday. “Everything went very peacefully and relaxed.”

alleged Racial Profiling

Indeed, the mood on the Opera square for a long time. But at half past eleven the police are in control of a group of young men with dark skin color. The men complain, talk of Racial Profiling, so that they would be controlled only because of the color of their skin. “You can’t shear all over a comb. This is wrong,“ complains one of the men. Soon, more people join. “Who else have you got searched?”, a young woman asks a policeman. “However, there were also White?” More and more police officers, more and more celebrations are in the top 13 officials. To control the Situation resolves itself quickly, the men move on.

It remains one of the few incidents this Friday evening. There are significantly less people than two weeks ago, almost all find a place to Sit. Against half of the 12 rollers on the first carriage of the waste collection on the place, the workers begin to shards together to return. The Federal Agency for Technical relief is building great spot, which will later illuminate the space with bright light. “A pity,” say two young women are standing on the edge of the square. “There is in Frankfurt is simply no other place out there where we can sit. Everything is full,“ says one of them. But, as most of the celebrants around the place. Only a small group of people can also be used by the third speaker said the police did not irritate and is dancing next to the fountain. It was only when the police get the streamers out, leave you a watch peacefully the Opera square.