The city of Offenbach has triggered on Friday, the stage 2 of the Corona-escalation approach, once the number has risen within a week with the Virus in newly Infected, more than 20 per 100,000 inhabitants. As the city reported, were identified on Friday, six new Corona cases. So 48 people in Offenbach are registered as being infected, as many as the last in early may. The peak value for Offenbach was in the 10.May be achieved with 52 newly Infected.

Jochen Remmert

airport editor and correspondent of the Rhine-Main-Süd.

F. A. Z.

Hesse far all other cities and counties remained significantly below the mark of 20. The number of reported Neuinifzierten rose on Thursday to 70 on 11.965, and thus a little weaker than the previous day (89 Neuinfizierte). There’s been a death in connection with the Corona, such as the Hessian Ministry of social Affairs informed in his daily Corona-Bulletin.

So there is no new Corona cases in the residence for the elderly of Emilia in Darmstadt, Germany: As the health Department announced on Friday, has been declared the outbreak ended. However, one of the residents had died. He had been longer on the ICU. Nearly two weeks ago five members of staff and five residents were in the residence a positive effect on Covid-19 have been tested. As a result, all contact persons were placed under quarantine and a visit to prohibition have been adopted for the home.

From Thursday to Friday were added in the city, two new infections. The day before, four cases had been counted, prior to that one. Thus, new infections are at a lower level than before. Within seven to ten days were registered in the city of suddenly, almost 30Neuinfektionen, 15 of which had occurred in a large family with close contact, as it was called from the hall. Thus, Darmstadt was in the case of the new infections to be one of the top performers in the state of Hesse.

The Seven-day incidence Neuinfizierte per 100,000 inhabitants – was on Thursday at around 16. On Friday at nine.

In Darmstadt, Germany, was reached in just a few, sometimes even no new infections. Whether under the recent cases, travel returnees, announced the city for privacy reasons first of all, not on demand on Friday, it was said that under the new travel returnees were. How many is not known. Whether the traveler came from high-risk areas, do not know you. The new cases were through all parts of the population. Among other things, the teacher of a day care center was below. The institution in which the woman works, however, is closed since the end of July due to the summer holidays.

tightening conceivable

According to the Offenbacher Department of health three treated in hospital are Infected. 334 residents are under quarantine, more than ever before. For the first Time since the escalation concept of the country on the 8.July, was introduced, Offenbach exceeded 21.6 the value of 20 Infected per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

Already in the beginning of the month the city had seen a striking increase in infection numbers, which was caused according to the figures, mainly by returnees from abroad.