Nothing like way. Away from the fussy widow Douglas, with its moral sermons and exhortations, which would allow guys to what you mean exactly all those actions, the boys of fun. Away from the boozing, brawling father, of a no sermons, it has but in addition actually only on the money that Huckleberry Finn is a adventure with his friend Tom Sawyer course.

Christian Riethmüller

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

Nothing like way. Way out of the slavery that degrades a human being to a commodity that can be sold according to need, regardless of whether the wife and children back. Who wants to save Jim, but why he’s setting out on a dangerous escape, in the hope of a slavery-free state, to earn the money to his family buy free.

There are different reasons why Huck and Jim to Run away, but it is a desire that unites them: the desire for freedom, even if this word for a white boy and a black in slavery compelled man in Missouri in the forties of the 19th century. Century certainly had a different meaning. Nevertheless, together it both as a travel companion to share one of the most adventurous river in the literature of journeys to survive the story until the happy end.

The classic is again highly topical

Mark TWAIN’s immortal classic, “The adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is currently highly topical, because it gives insight into a time of racism and slavery. Similarly, currently also for the young spectators thought stage adaptation of the novel, made by the British author Sean Aita, and is now on view in a production by PJ Escobio at the English Theatre Frankfurt is therefore.

Aita has. the detail-rich action on the Mississippi river and along the river-playing novel radically streamlined, without the tension or deprive them of their soul-stirring moments For the understanding, however, it is helpful to know in the course of the story that are hinted at many of the events of the novel, but only, what do the entertaining on the stage, however, does not diminish.