Volkswagen has paid from the diesel scandal affected customers in the United States since the year 2016, a total of 9.5 billion dollars (eight billion euros) in damages. This is the Supervisory authority, the FTC said in its final report, to the scandal of the Manipulation of emission values. The authority described this as the “biggest refund program for consumers in the history of the United States”.

The compensation payments were made in the context of a comparison between the Volkswagen and the FTC. The authority had sued the Wolfsburg-based group for misleading advertising to “clean” diesel vehicles. In the year 2015, the failed manipulation of emission values have to be for Volkswagen to penalty payment and compensation costs out of a total of more than 30 billion Euro, most of them in America.

in front of the Federal court of justice

In Germany, the Federal Supreme court (BGH) deals on this Tuesday again with the diesel scandal. First, there is the question of whether a consumer has the right to claim damages, if he had bought the vehicle only after detection of the Manipulation by illegal defeat devices.

the judge deal with the legality of so-called tort interest rates, which can be attributed to buyers in case of fraud or immoral action.

at the end of may, the Supreme court had decided that Volkswagen must pay buyers of manipulated diesel cars in principle, the payment of damages. In the former case, the customer had bought, but the car in front of the manipulations.