The British government wants to promote Cycling in a big way. Thousands of kilometres of new bike paths to be built, as the government of Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced. In addition, coupons will be in the amount of 50 pounds (55 Euro) spent to support the repair of old bicycles. Overall, the government wants to invest in a “Revolution of Cycling and walking” in the Land of two billion pounds.

The government sees Cycling as a means to promote the health of the UK population. Johnson said that the goal is “a healthier and more active Nation”. In his eight years as mayor of London, Johnson had launched a public Bicycle rental system on the way.

campaign against obesity and Overweight

On Monday it had started, the British government already have a wide-scale campaign against Overweight and obesity in the population. Obesity will increase the risk to die of a Coronavirus infection, warned health Minister Matt Hancock.

among the measures that advertising for Junk Food on television and on the Internet should be banned before the 21: 00. This is to ensure that minors such advertising campaigns will be less exposed. Restaurant and Café establishments with more than 250 employees should be required on their menus to indicate the caloric values.