the home office will work for a lot of activities well. This is one of the results of a study by the consultancy company PWC. “That will continue after the crisis”, of which Michael Burckhart, site leader of PWC Frankfurt, is convinced. Because all sides are benefited, he commented on the results of its society initiated an annual survey among 400 professionals from the Region.

Patricia Andreae

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

one of the positive effects of home-based work that Employees will no longer have to commute longer distances daily. This could lead to more workers opting for an apartment that is further away and considerably cheaper. “Companies can, in turn, with flexible working models in the search for skilled workers,” says Burkhart. “Last but not least it has a positive effect on the environment and the climate, if the commuting flows go back.”

More housing programs required

During the pandemic, 62 percent of the respondents were from the Region, at least temporarily, in the home office and the majority expects that it will remain even after the crisis in the process. A Trend that could lead, according to the study, the changes in the housing market.

However, working from home is not long for all one Option, and that 38 percent of the respondents indicated that they are not able to work due to their activities even from home. “Especially for systemically relevant professional groups such as police officers, care workers, cleaners, do not belong to the group of top earners, there must be, therefore, in the future affordable housing in the city,” calls for Burkhart.

The responsibility to ensure that there is a lack of affordable housing, see 52 per cent of the respondents in the case of the investors, the persecuted, to have a high interest in the luxury segment. Ways to improve the tense situation, in the opinion of nine out of ten respondents in housing programs for low-income households. Also, employers could, for example, a rental with a housing, or subsidies for Travel expenses to help.

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In the case of PWC, it holds such investments, the employer, in view of the shortage of skilled workers is urgently needed. The difficult situation on the rental market have long impact on the labour market. 90 per cent of the respondents fear that soon only a high-earner living in the city can afford, while, for example, care workers would seek jobs outside.

In average, 30 minutes Commuting

the tightness of The housing market are not employed but are on low incomes. Nine out of ten workers are of the opinion that it is pure luck to find in large cities, affordable housing. Almost every third has already been considered once to change the Job due to high rent. 84% fear that the Rent will increase in the next five years, with now nearly 60 percent perceive their rent as excessive. To live cheaper, commute, according to the study, many of the longer travel distances in purchase: 60 percent for the average travel time is half an hour. As a maximum reasonable commuting time of 43 minutes. Almost every Second but would be willing to take more than 40 minutes trip.