For example, the writer Hatice Akyün: she throws herself into cooking, and so will their through the Corona pandemic, a torn inner compass again. When cooking, you can sort your thoughts as kitchen drawers, where you’ve learned that major political events require complicated recipes: “Italian cuisine is not suitable for example particularly for the world crises. The arugula-lemon Pasta is done faster than I Thought”, she writes in her post “cooking against the crisis” that is part of the Alexander Broicher anthology “days like these: In times of distance” (fine Books), is. And the French cuisine? Was quite well for medium-sized crises. “Perhaps Pulled dishes are just so popular because the preparation takes days.”

Melanie Mühl

editor in the features section.

F. A. Z.

cooking, so Hatice Akyün, interactive meditative, to take in the truest sense of the word, time to process something, even if this may perhaps sound naive. But it does not, on the contrary. Hatice Akyüns Text illustrates the taken-back, narrative, melancholic, a button sound, you will find in this anthology, the proceeds of which are donated to needy artists, again and again. Nobody here has a Corona-recipe, there are no Ten-point plans, which should lead us back to the supposed normality, even virologists-Bashing, vilification of Politicians, or Globalization and xenophobia.

The ghosts of Corona

Instead of to including the Crisis resources, process 35 authors – including Wells, Sibylle Berg, Jan Brandt, and Bettina Benedict Wilpert – this scary and a diffuse Corona of the time in touching stories, essayistic reflections, stories, everyday observations, and this approach has something comforting, because it seems to be the uncertainty of the corona-ridden reader to keep up. To put it differently: You will feel on reading it repealed. It is a Yes as well, such as, for example, Moritz Rinke (“The ghosts of Corona”), the not know for a long time, what time is Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, not to mention the date. “In the magic mountain’ by Thomas Mann, it is said in the Chapter on freedom’, that Castorp appeared, this time in retrospect ,at the same time unnaturally short, and unnaturally long’.”

As a Gangster on the run

the fact that the days merge and the Overview of Rob, a lot has been written, but that changes nothing to the fact that this feeling plätscherns is of the Then still powerful. Is interrupted it at Rinke by a spectacular crash at the end of the action: Rinke, who has worried for the parents of a friend of a vaccine against pneumococcus, such as a Gangster on the run on the highway to the agreed handover meeting place at a rest stop and increases with the cooling bag from the car. “The friend, an asthmatic, was already there. Contrary to come to me ten steps, laying it on the ground, then get back in your car,’ he said. We haven’t seen you in damn long,’ I said. Yeah ,right, I have to go. I don’t know how long your cooling battery.’“ Strange times require the Individual odd actions, are likely to be in His case, in the friendship’s biography and later on, once the Laughter told included.