one could Almost say that the Virus was smart. While politicians and the Public look at the airports in the concern, Sars-CoV-2 could be brought vacationers back to Germany, returned the pathogen away from the metropolises of quasi in low-level flight – on the “Cucumber flyer”, which are used for vegetable crop.

In lower Bavaria were. Lands, to the recent “Hotspot”, which not only drives the local authorities, the sweat on the forehead Because the spread in the province shows that nowhere is safe from the Virus, if the sanitation and clearance rules are not consistently adhered to.

The willingness to abide by these rules, was last updated, whether in the “Party scene” of the big cities or in the many Farms, which are not controlled as strictly as the slaughter houses of Tönnies. Many contemporaries seemed to be the warnings from the world of politics and science in Spite of the averted risk – the number of new infections, and the dead finally went steady. The successes that have been achieved in the fight against the first wave of the pandemic in Germany, increased in this paradoxical way, the risk of a slinky, a second wave of infections piled up.

The Bavarian Prime Minister Söder was one of those who had early on warned of this danger, and the action caused the reminders to follow. Self-rigorous Corona Regiment could not avoid, however, that exactly half a year after the adoption of the first Covid-19-the case in Germany back in fright dilated eyes after Bayern look.