After weeks of protests in Portland (Oregon) has announced that the American government is a further intensification in the crackdown on violent criminals among the protesters. Additional measures would probably be taken this week, said the acting Secretary of Homeland security, Chad Wolf, the TV station Fox News on Sunday. You will not accept that security would be attacked by the forces of the Confederation in the night, and hurt. Portland was “at least at certain hours of the night, completely out of control”. In Portland and in Seattle in the neighboring state of Washington, it came in the night to Sunday, once again, to clashes.

Since the violent death of the African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis two months ago, protests against racism and police violence continue in the United States. In Portland, the protests are also against the use of security forces, which sent the government of President Donald Trump against the will of the city and the state there. The government justified the use with the protection of a Federal court, whose building was attacked in the night to Sunday again. According to wolf’s data, it came in the night, except in Portland and Seattle also to violent protests in Oakland (California) and other cities.

In Austin (Texas) was shot and killed on Saturday night during a Demonstration a man. A police spokeswoman said the victims might have carried a gun and had approached a car from which the shot had been. The shooter has been arrested and is cooperating with the police. The incident was being investigated.