The first few metres of new cycle lane on the lower section of the Friedberger landstraße are done. In the amount of the Friedberger place of the pop-lit red strip town on Sunday in the summer sun. Originally, the marker had to start on a Monday, because of the announced rain, the company responsible for the Work on Saturday. Overall, should be marked on the Friedberger landstraße and the major intersection at the Friedberger gate on a length of 700 metres of new cycle paths. In order for cyclists is in the future of the Old bridge over the Main to the Friedberger Platz in each direction are each a continuous track available. This new North-South axis is created in a single year.

Mechthild Harting

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

“We meet with this offer, the increased demand by more and more Cycling in Frankfurt,” said head of the Traffic Department, Klaus Oesterling (SPD). He is proud of the fact that the employees of the street office, and in the Cycling office, and the office for road construction and development in spite of the Corona-crisis is managed, the planning of this Radstreifens advance – especially since the traffic situation on the Friedberger gate, and on the lower section of the Friedberger landstraße is very complex. Alone the traffic light circuits, according to Oesterlings a great challenge.

A “difficult task”

This has also consequences for the new cycle lanes. It is 2.30 meters wide and thus corresponds to the arrangement adopted by the city Council with the Initiative Radentscheid a year ago. But the track is not separated structurally from the car traffic, as it was implemented at the Konrad-Adenauer-Straße and the Kurt-Schumacher-Straße – the other part of the North-South axis. The organizers of the Radentscheids had passed, in order to offer to the cyclists as much security as possible. On the Friedberger Landstrasse, this is according to Petra Lau, head of the road transport office but not possible, because the buses of the line must be able to travel 30 of the holding, such as, for example, in the Hesse monument and at Friedberger Platz on the edge of the road.

It is, according to Lau, a “difficult task” to create on a main road, such as the Friedberger landstraße a safe traffic management for cyclists. Finally, the city had a duty to develop solutions that also take into account the different interests of other traffic participants. The rule in question provides that the buses “are allowed to use, with special consideration for Bicycle traffic” the cycle lane to make faster progress, and the stop-start.